Read Online Connections in Death An Eve Dallas Novel In Death Book 48 edition by J D Robb Romance eBooks

By Jeffrey Oliver on Monday 20 May 2019

Read Online Connections in Death An Eve Dallas Novel In Death Book 48 edition by J D Robb Romance eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 4373 KB
  • Print Length 365 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 034942201X
  • Publisher St. Martin's Press (February 5, 2019)
  • Publication Date February 5, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B07D2C2J66

Connections in Death An Eve Dallas Novel In Death Book 48 edition by J D Robb Romance eBooks Reviews

  • Sometimes a writer conceives of a brilliant trilogy. Then, that trilogy proves so popular that it becomes an industry. Walt Longmire by Craig Johnson was one. Another was Coyote by Allen Steele, a science fiction series that spawned other stories that were, essentially, spin-offs. Few such continuing dramas have experienced the adulation of J. D. Robb’s police procedural featuring Eve Dallas.

    If you’re new to the series, you might want to read “Naked In Death” first. At just $2.99, it actually serves as an inexpensive introduction. Of course, if you wish, you certainly can read “Connections in Death” first, since the novels are stand-alone and don’t have cliffhanger endings.

    POV Third person.

    BLUSH FACTOR Definitely not a candidate for your prayer group or for your youngsters. If the eff word bothers you, try cozy mysteries.

    WRITING & EDITING Solid and professional. The ensemble cast of supporting characters is probably Robb’s secret ingredient to retaining reader interest.


    Four stars out of five.
  • I am a third of the way through J.D. Robb’s newest book and am disappointed. I have read the entire series more than once and this one doesn’t feel as if it was written by Robb. Very stilted and way too much narrative. I will make myself finish and may have a better opinion once done. If so, I will update my review.
  • I am starting to wonder if these books are actually being written by Nora Roberts or if only some of them are. This is another so-so book. It seems like the character development is not really there. This is disappointing has her last book was excellent and I thought she was coming back. I have all the books for the "In Death" series and have read several of them over multiple times and you can see the decline in character development. I think I will go back to getting them from my local library before making purchase for my collection.
  • This is not a book. If the reader is feeling generous it's a short story and not a very good one. The reader is actually purchasing the outline for what might have been a decent book. However, what got downloaded was a high school English lit paper that when graded would probably gotten a "D" at best. Did someone miss the Avengers Civil War? "Language". Really? Can't come up with anything original. Pathetic! Congratulations to Agent Teasdale on changing agencies. Homeland to FBI but don't dwell on it I'm sure in the next installment she will be with the NSA and old Robb couldn't actually be bothered to flesh out the character anyway. Like the author Teasdale wasn't really there.
  • I have to go with most reviews. Did JD Robb aka Nora Roberts really write this? It is as if her attention or mine just isn't into it anymore. I have loved JD Robb from beginning but I do feel as if her mind is more on her newest Nora Roberts novels than Eve Dallas. This last was so bland and just not interesting.
  • This book is boring. I'm tempted to skip to the last two chapters to find out whodunit. Since publishing her first book in 1981 Nora Roberts has written at least 225 novels. That's an average of about five books per year. Makes me wonder if she actually wrote all of them. Some are very good. "Northern Lights", "Tribute", "High Noon", "The Liar", and "The Search" are among my favorites.
  • I have been a fan of JD Robb/Nora Roberts since the very beginning with her Naked in Death book. And honestly, I wonder how another book in the series (48 and counting now), can still be fun and interesting to read. But here I am, just finished reading Connections In Death and I am a happy camper.

    It's a joy to see how these characters, whom I have come to love and respect, continue to grow and develop. I have always been a fan of Eve and Roarke and the love, respect and dynamic between them. You would think it can get old or corny, but it simply doesn' fact it keeps getting better. Their relationship, with each other and with their circle, deepens and matures with every telling. It is such a treat to read and be witness of it in some way.

    With Connections, I really liked just how the story unfolded. It was not so much the mystery but the process of solving it - the teamwork involved, and the grit that comes from doing the job. A bonus is in reading about how the family (which is how I see Eve, Roarke and their friends) pulls for one another; how characters from different books make a significant appearance and the way they all work together to help bring justice. It makes me wish that cops here and everywhere have that same dedication and love of service.

    All in all, I'm thrilled to still be feeling so engaged and riveted with this series. It is a testament to Ms. Roberts' (all hail the undisputed queen!) talent, dedication, creativity, commitment and hard work. She is an inspiration. What an amazing and great series...and this booking particular? It's definitely a wonderful addition. Bravo and cheers to many more!
  • I'm not quite sure how to rate this book. The story was great. But there wasn't any heat. No fire inside Eve,no urgency about finding killers. And with Eve being emotionally absent, there was nothing there for the others to play off of. Bring the real Eve back.