» PDF When God Doesn't Fix It Lessons You Never Wanted to Learn Truths You Can't Live Without edition by Laura Story Religion Spirituality eBooks
Jeffrey Oliver on Monday, 20 May 2019
PDF When God Doesn't Fix It Lessons You Never Wanted to Learn Truths You Can't Live Without edition by Laura Story Religion Spirituality eBooks
Product details - File Size 1983 KB
- Print Length 281 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
- Publisher Thomas Nelson (September 15, 2015)
- Publication Date September 15, 2015
- Sold by Digital Services LLC
- Language English
When God Doesn't Fix It Lessons You Never Wanted to Learn Truths You Can't Live Without edition by Laura Story Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews
- I sat down to read and read almost cover to cover in one sitting. It was that good.
I will admit up front, I think everything Laura Story does is "so cool", and read the book mostly because she wrote it. I wanted the subject matter, but I would read a cereal box if Laura had a quote on it. ;-)
But this isn't just me with my "hero worship" glasses I am tempted to wear. This book is REALLY good! And, I think a big reason is because we ALL have brokenness. We all have things we wish God would "just fix". We all have things that would be easier to not share or be vulnerable about. And Laura is really honest and open about that. She shares her personal story in a really raw, open, honest, and sometimes hilarious way. ;-) but interwoven throughout her story is universal truth. Not platitude. Not "Christianese", but for real for everyone truth. Almost every chapter ends with a Myth vs. Truth. And almost every single myth she lists is a lie that my heart so wants to tell me is true. Myths like (this is me paraphrasing cause she says it better) "When everything is healed then I can be used by God", "He is punishing me and that's why everything is broken.", "when everything is healed then I can be happy"- and she combats them truths like "God can use my story in the redemption of the nations", "He isn't punishing me, He loves me, and in His love and mercy He is going to use my story to bring hope to other hurting people." "Joy is deeper than just when it "feels better"" I could go on and on, but don't want to just regurgitate what she said - I want people to read it for themselves and hear His love and power and grace just washing over them.
I can think of something in every person that I loves life and story that needs healing and repair and redemption. And I think everyone would hear His voice saying "I love you - here is my hope to you" through her words. - This book tells the tragic and ultimately victorious story of how the author and her husband's lives were devastated by a grave and unexpected illness, and what she went through in her efforts to rise above the fear and shattered dreams to forge a new normal for her family. She writes in a forthright, candid and encouraging way. Her obvious faith and acceptance of God's will, while at the same time admitting to her own doubts and struggles, is both inspiring and admirable.
Where the book goes a bit off the rails for me is when she talks about how people in similar situations expected God to do a mighty work and then felt disillusioned when they did not get the miracle they had hoped for. She appears to perhaps feel that they may have been hanging on to a Biblical promise that was not really a promise after all.
It is important to recognize that the Bible features many unambiguous verses about God's power and willingness to rectify any situation, no matter how seemingly hopeless it may be. Those lofty promises are preached, memorized, written and sung about every Sunday and throughout the week. It is therefore not unreasonable for Believers to want - and expect - to see God's power manifested to rescue them from their circumstances when they are in desperate need.
No, God is not a cosmic vending machine dispensing treasures at our command, and His ways are not our ways. God may well have a different plan for our lives than we can imagine, one that takes us down an unknown road that we would not choose to travel if we had things our way. Yet, as Christians, I suggest we are not theologically out of line to hope that the many blessings spoken of in Scripture will be ours to experience and not just the trials and tribulations. - This book is for anyone who has ever been disappointed, lost, or broken to the core. By scripture, prayer and humor, and in words I could totally understand, Laura Story explains beautifully the meaning of living in brokenness that God may never fix. All, while praising our great God. If God has a refrigerator, Laura's picture is definitely on it. If He has a playlist, her songs are on it.
Everyone could definitely benefit from reading this book! For 30 years, God has not "fixed" me and I thought He didn't hear my prayers. After reading this, I am more comforted in my brokenness. His grace is sufficient for me! I can again say "Blessed be The Lord"! I don't have to have great faith, because I have a great God! I only need the faith of a mustard seed and that is sufficient. God will provide the rest.
Thank you to a dear sister in Christ that heard my pain, and suggested this book. And most of all God, thank You for using believers like Laura Story (and people in my small group) to be instruments of Yours as I hear You speaking through them. All glory, praise and thanks to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit! - I have been a fan of Laura Story's music for a few years and knew a bit of the story of her husband's tumor and resulting medical issues. That story is the basis for Ms. Story's book; it's the context for the growth of her faith in God even when God doesn't fix things the way we want them fixed. Ms. Story is very transparent about the struggles she and her husband experienced following his surgery and resulting complications — struggles in their relationship, struggles with balancing competing needs to care for her husband and to work to provide an income, struggles with releasing control so that her husband could actually make progress, and struggles to continue to have faith in God. At the end of each chapter, she becomes a "myth-buster" as she presents a common myth about faith and life and the truth that she has learned.
"When God Doesn't Fix It" is well-written and inspiring. My primary critique is that Ms. Story seemed to struggle to bring the book to an end — the end dragged a bit. If you're struggling with unanswered prayers or unfulfilled expectations, this book should help you see your situation in a different light.