PDF Unlimited Memory How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster Remember More and be More Productive Kevin Horsley 9781631619984 Books

By Jeffrey Oliver on Saturday 25 May 2019

PDF Unlimited Memory How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster Remember More and be More Productive Kevin Horsley 9781631619984 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 187 pages
  • Publisher TCKPublishing.com (March 28, 2016)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1631619985

Unlimited Memory How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster Remember More and be More Productive Kevin Horsley 9781631619984 Books Reviews

  • When I first saw this book, I was very skeptical. There is a very bold insinuation made in the title. But because it was on sale on for $1.49 the day I bought it, I decided it was worth the purchase. A few days later, after finishing the book, I am ready to call this one of the best and certainly most useful non-fiction books I have ever read, and I am a very avid reader.

    If you allow this book to change the way you learn, then this book is easily worth 20x the cover price for the keys and tools Horsley provides you with because you'll finally be able to overcome that old adage that claims that we only use about 10% of our brains.

    Like most of us, I've always just accepted the limitations that seem inherent with owning a brain, and I've become satisfied that I'll never be able to use more than "10%" as if it is not even realistic to tap into significantly more than that. However, this book invites you to throw away those limitations and strive for more. And Horsley's methods are not difficult to put into practice. They only require commitment, practice, and review. He compares it to taking your mind to the gym for a regular workout.

    Some of the strategies that he teaches near the beginning of the book may sound familiar to you, but read on. All the way through to the end. Have fun with the book. Practice what he is teaching you at each and every step along the way. You'll find some of the methods more useful to you than others, but you will find all of them legitimately helpful. Use any information that you want to learn as your training material, and you will see for yourself that these methods work. I'm not even going to give you any examples in this review because you really need to experience it for yourself.

    I will say this... usually, after I read a book, I never read it again. Not so with this one. This book is worth my reading every week because I want to practice, learn, and remember all of these methods. Horsley says, "Your mind is the only computer in the world with this characteristic the more you put into it, the more it holds." His methods illustrate this truth very clearly.

    I only wish I could have discovered this book when I was in high school or college. The great thing about learning though is that you always have opportunities to learn more, and all of us could use these methods to be more successful in any area of our lives, personal or professional. This book is going to open up an unlimited world to you, if you are willing to make some changes in the way you think.
  • I want my money back. I was promised a book. This is not a book. It's a popular science article only the page count has been ridiculously inflated by listing memorisation lists in single column, inserting section breaks after every two to four coherent sentences and filling in motivational blah blah borrowed from elsewhere. The real content of the book can be summarised as follows use peg words, a visual map of a well know place like your body, car or route to work to hold information you want to memorise. There. Now you don't have to read this piece of pulp. Surely there must be something better written about this fascinating topic?
  • As a college student I found this to be an invaluable resource. I have spent so many hours reading things, hearing things, only to forget them and have to study them all again come test time, and then forget them again after the class is over. Many college students seem shockingly ok with forgetting half of what they spent so much money to learn, I for one spent the money to know and remember what I have been taught. These techniques are worth a bar of gold.
  • This book did nothing to help me remember the material I study for. I expected better techniques and stronger actionable material but I found none of it applied to me. Trying to remember Enterprise Linux, Puppet syntax and AWS best practices is not an easy task and using the "SEE" method. didn't help me remember any of that. However, this book is great for people who need to remember names and maybe a grocery list or two.
  • My five-year-old twins LOVE books (something that makes this bibliophile ecstatic!) and I'm always looking for cute new books they would like to read. I saw this one just before Valentine's Day and thought it would be a cute book to read on Valentine's Day. I also ordered one for our nine-month-old nephew and our four-year-old nephew because lots of kids have read and enjoyed The Very Hungry Caterpillar!

    Love from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a book written by Eric Carle, who wrote The Very Hungry Caterpillar, a book many parents will recognize. This book welcomes back that same caterpillar to tell children about love. This hardcover book is the size of a gift book, measuring 5 3/4 inches by 7 inches and has glossy paperback pages.

    I was excited to receive this book for my kids but we were honestly disappointed with it. Based on the recommended age range for this book (3-5 years), this book should be good for them but it seems to be written for a much younger audience. Each set of pages only has a few words, along with the same types of pictures as in the original Very Hungry Caterpillar book and it only took us about a minute to read through it. The message behind the book is definitely cute but I think kids older than three would be more likely to become bored with it. We've only read it once and my kids haven't asked to read it again.

    I think this is a cute book but it is marketed at an older audience than it should be. If the publisher were to print this as a board book instead, I think this would be a great book for babies and toddlers because of the more durable pages. Had we known more about the actual content, I wouldn't have purchased it for ourselves but we will keep it anyway and possibly give it to friends with younger kids.