PDF The Big Activity Book For Couples LoveBook Robyn Smith Books

By Jeffrey Oliver on Tuesday, 28 May 2019

PDF The Big Activity Book For Couples LoveBook Robyn Smith Books

Product details

  • Paperback 124 pages
  • Publisher Love Book LLC (July 21, 2015)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1936806118

The Big Activity Book For Couples LoveBook Robyn Smith Books Reviews

  • This book is filled with fun little things to do with your partner, from little games to seeing how well you know each other.
  • Bought this book to take to restaurants so my boyfriend and I would not be tempted to use our phones instead of connecting. Some activities are better than others for sure. Some are super lame but some are surprisingly great. I actually learned a few things about my guy that I didn’t know even four years into the relationship.
  • Totally worth the money. My boyfriend and I love two hours away, both have full time jobs. And only one of us has a car. It's difficult to find time to spend together. Always trying to come up with creative long distance games or activities to do together. This book is perfect for that. Full of fun stuff. We both ordered one, and either talk on the phone and do one together, or choose a page and do it alone and take pictures and send it to each other.
    This book is just awesome. Highly recommend to long distance couples, and even couples living together. You will have a lot of fun.
  • If this book were only $5 then I would probably recommend it. It definitely isn't worth the $11 that I paid. It has a few cute sections but most of the book is very cheesy and stuff that we will never do...and we're a pretty cheesy couple )
  • Got this for my wife who is an extrovert. (I am an introvert) She loves it! (And I tolerate it)
  • I was expecting this to be a book of actual activities. like suggestions/ideas and different games couples can play together. Instead it's just a book of like hangman and tic tac toe.
  • My husband and I bought this for something to do. It had some fun activities in it. I'm giving it four stars because the print on 10 of the pages was off- the words were too light to read, smudged and crooked on the pages. Some words were even cut off.
  • My brother and his wife are super cute together and are always off doing fun, romantic adventures together. I bought this and added it to their Christmas gift because when I was it i automatically thought of them. They absolutely loved it when they saw the gift. She stated how they are always looking for fun things to share together. I highly recommend it.