Ebook Hitler Youth Growing Up in Hitler Shadow Scholastic Focus Susan Campbell Bartoletti Books

By Jeffrey Oliver on Friday, 24 May 2019

Ebook Hitler Youth Growing Up in Hitler Shadow Scholastic Focus Susan Campbell Bartoletti Books

Product details

  • Age Range 12 and up
  • Grade Level 7 - 9
  • Paperback 384 pages
  • Publisher Scholastic Nonfiction; Reprint edition (March 26, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1338309846

Hitler Youth Growing Up in Hitler Shadow Scholastic Focus Susan Campbell Bartoletti Books Reviews

  • A great book to teach tweens about the Holocaust, but also a great book for anyone interested. By approaching the subject from a young person's point of view, I think the book makes it easier for a young person to understand what happened.
  • This book shows how a dictator has youth trained to promote his interests. We may face this again.
  • Not a book I pick very heavy book. School required it for 8th grade.
  • I don't remember ordering this book
  • interesting to read that the young people for the most part fell in step with the Nazi Party line! unb3li

  • Did not realize this is really more of a book for children or young people prior to purchasing (my mistake). So...I found it to be an easy read. The book is well made with a good number of photographs I've never seen before in the other Hitler Youth books I'm read or at least flipped through. I recommend this book if you have a casual interest in the subject.
  • My 5th grade (10 year old) son was assigned a historical book report this quarter. He needed to read a historical fiction book and then a non-fiction book about the same subject. My son wanted to do the holocaust. I was a little afraid of the content, but found The Boy That Dared. My son started the book and was really enjoyed it.

    I then went on the hunt for a book to compliment The Boy that Dared and found this book. I did not realize that they were by the same author until my son started working on his book report.

    Once Hitler Youth arrived, I read it in one night. It was perfect for not only my son's reading level, but also his maturity level. It hinted at the atrocities without going into them in graphic detail. It was a great introduction to the holocaust while helping my son see it through the eyes of "kids like him".

    As an adult, I learned so much. I truthfully don't remember learning about the Hitler Youth at all as a student. It was interesting to read about how some people "fought back". As I said, I read it in one night. It is written in a very easy to read style with lots of pictures and stories.
  • This is more of a picture book than a historical novel. The pictures are ones I have yet to see in my library of other WII references. The opening page has a spectacular photo of a very young boy probably around 5, standing at attention in full nazi decorum. There are some chapter stories of various personal events that provide a eye witness account as to the culture, frenzy and social pressues that were in effect at the time. Place this book on your coffee table and it is sure to spark conversation with any house guest!